Working at the same time learning


When I went to UAE as a tourist/visit visa that was way back 4-5 years ago life then in the Philippines is good, as we can support our family, we can provide their needs and wants, I never imagined myself to work abroad, the opportunity came when a family ask me if I want to go to UAE but it will be as a tourist visa. At first I was hesitant as I will be living my kids, family,friends and I will go to a different country and with different culture. My husband encourages me to try my “luck” yes LUCK! And to make the long story short my papers was process and I am ready to go. But that’s not the end of it I have a lot to surpass before arriving to UAE.

When I arrive here in UAE I thought everything will go as planned but here I have encountered frustration, depressions, loneliness and even feeling of disappointments because in the Philippines I am good at my craft here in UAE you will receive a lot of criticism and even vilification and most of that you will receive from your “KABAYAN” your fellow Filipino. I’m not saying that all Filipino’s are bad what I am trying to impart is my experience with an individual. They say that if you will go out of the country to work  you must be a one tough person because it is not only physical battle but most is mental and emotional especially if you came here as a tourist/visit visa. I am not also advising everybody to try being a tourist visa here in UAE one factor is the economy and if you decide to come here to look for work make sure you are fully equip as this is the melting pot of professional, when I say professionals they have double degree, M.A’s, Ph.D with vast experiences and for one position you will compete with hundreds of applicants. I am not exaggerating but I have gone to walk ins, open day hiring and you will see hundreds of applicant lining up just to get an interview. Some will be there @5am just to be the 1st to be interviewed. I would like to share more about my experience in applying here in the UAE on my next article.

My first job here in UAE is in the field of F&B as Company Secretary as per job description however when I started working in the company I handled the front office as  a receptionist after 3 months, then I was trained to become as an assistant purchaser which entails you to have at least basic knowledge in Arabic language because you will interact with mostly Arabic people, then after a year from the date of joining I was trained for the work of an accountant and I don’t have any background in accounting fields, however through the help of my boss I was able to handle the job that was given to me and through this positions that I have handled I was able to increase my knowledge and skills and upgrade my technical skills in accounting systems and I have also learned how to speak and write in Arabic. That makes me realized that even if it is not your field of specialty through diligence and patience as well as willingness to learn you will acquire new set of knowledge and skills.

And as a human being we continuously evolve and developed through the years even if it’s not through school environment but also through experiential learning. We aim to learn in every opportunity that we can get as one person pointed out “Learning is a Lifestyle”

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